Education & Leadership

Counselor in Training (CIT) and Leader in Training (LIT) Teen Leadership Camp Programs
The camp environment provides a unique opportunity for youth to build leadership skills, particularly in assisting counselors with younger campers. The goals of CIT and LIT camp programs are to teach the general skills of leadership that can be used at school, home and community (not just at camp.) For younger camp leaders (ages 13-15), the curriculum includes working with younger kids at camp, but often includes community components like volunteering at senior centers or YMCAs. Counselors-in-Training or "CITs" are the oldest campers who typically want to apply for a job at camp the next summer, maybe as a Jr Counselor or some other supporting role. They need to learn more specific skills for working with kids and co-workers, and more experience planning and leading activities. Both programs give kids age-appropriate challenges that build their skills, confidence and capacity for working with people of all ages. Learn More

Leaders Club
You can meet many of tomorrows leaders today at the YMCA Leaders Club! This Program gives young teens ages (13-14) the opportunity to learn to be more effective in their reactions with others. Leaders will meet on a weekly basis to improve their individual social skills while also experiencing new ways to give back to their community. Leaders will develop and implement projects aimed at providing valuable service to their local communities. Contact your local branch for availability.

Minority Acheivers Program
Teens involved in the Minority Achievers Program (MAP) are students from 8th to 12th grades, who possess a variety of scholastic abilities and represent a variety of socioeconomic levels. It would be simple to fill the program with high achieving students, but the Minority Achievers Program is designed to involve students at varying degrees of academic success. Ideally one-third of the youth will be high achievers. These youth will benefit from the guidance of their adult mentors and they will work with and inspire other teens, perfecting their own knowledge as they teach others. The second third of the participants will be average students. These students are often involved with sports and extra-curricular activities but have not achieved academically. The program will help these teens realize that succeeding scholastically should not distract from their other interests. The program will instill in them a strong work ethic and will help them recognize the benefits of being well-rounded individuals. Contact your local branch for availabilty and more information. View Locations

Youth and Government
The YMCA Youth & Government motto is, "Democracy must be learned by each generation". Every person can make a difference. Youth & Government helps participants acquire skills to take into the future:
- Public speaking/communications
- Greater understanding of democratic process
- Enhanced leadership skills
- Application of moral and ethical values to life decisions
As a YMCA program, Youth & Government focuses on: the core values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility, civic engagement and fun. Contact your local branch for availability and more information. View Locations